by Carole Pollard
2 March 2020
February 2020 will be remembered for the weekend storms we endured, with people being flooded out of their homes - some for the second or third time. Such a sad and terrible time for them. We only suffered a broken fence which will need to be replaced, but that is a tiny inconvenience compared with the life changing destruction many people have suffered.
Following the Arvon week, I've been busy writing stories about the character I discovered from a photograph one of our tutors, Tiffany Murray, handed out. I called her Peggy, but she will probably be renamed at some point - I will always think of her as Peggy. She's great - going about her business, not worrying about who she might be upsetting with her honest feedback, but maybe trying to find love - if she even knows what that is. I've also been interviewing some old rockers about their memories of the seventies for my memoir book - that's been interesting research, usually carried out in a pub. It's work!
I had a quick trip to Edinburgh by train, which was fun if a bit cold and wet. I love the smells and colours of Edinburgh and we were upgraded in our B&B room - what a fabulous, constantly changing view of Edinburgh we had. We spent hours just looking down on the rooftops, and seeing what landmarks we could identify. When the mist cleared we could even see the Forth Road Bridge and a tip of the Rail Bridge. I could have sat there all weekend, but didn't. There were hostelries to be discovered.